
实验室论文 “Visual-Preserving Mesh Repair" 在计算机图形学和可视化领域国际顶级期刊TVCG上发表(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Learning the Geodesic Embedding with Graph Neural Networks”在计算机图形学顶级期刊 ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2023) 发表 (CCF A类)
实验室论文“Unbiased Reciprocal Estimation for Optimized Sampling in BDPT”在计算机图形学顶级期刊 ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2024) 发表 (CCF A类)
实验室论文“Differentiable Modal Sound Rendering and Inverse Rendering for Diverse Inference Tasks”在计算机图形学顶级会议(SIGGRAPH’24)收录(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Hypothesis Testing for Progressive Kernel Estimation and VCM Framework”在虚拟现实与可视化的顶级期刊IEEE TVCG发表(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Content Controllable Painting Recreation for Diverse Genres”在期刊Computational Visual Media发表(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Neural Parametric Mixtures for Path Guiding”在计算机图形学顶级会议(SIGGRAPH’24)收录(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Simulation of Collective Pursuit-Evasion Behavior with Runtime Situational Awareness”在第39届计算机图形学国际大会CGI'2022获得最佳论文奖
实验室论文“Bidirectional hybrid LSTM based recurrent neural network for Multi-view Stereo”计算机图形学的顶级期刊IEEE TVCG接收(CCF A类期刊)
实验室论文“SPCBPT: Subspace-based Probabilistic Connections for Bidirectional Path Tracing”被计算机图形学最高学术会议SIGGRAPH22的期刊轨条件接收,并将发表在顶级期刊ACM TOG期刊
实验室论文“NeuralSound: Learning-based Modal Sound Synthesis with Acoustic Transfer”被计算机图形学最高学术会议SIGGRAPH22的期刊轨条件接收,并将发表在顶级期刊ACM TOG期刊
实验室论文“Intentional Head-Motion Assisted Locomotion for Reducing Cybersickness”被虚拟现实与可视化的顶级期刊IEEE TVCG(CCF A类)录取,并将在虚拟现实领域最高学术会议IEEE VR'2023作会议口头报告
实验室论文“EHTask: Recognizing User Tasks from Eye and Head Movements in Immersive Virtual Reality”被虚拟现实与可视化的顶级期刊IEEE TVCG(CCF A类)录取,并将在虚拟现实领域最高学术会议IEEE VR'2022作会议口头报告
实验室论文“Salient Error Detection based Refinement for Wide-baseline Image Interpolation”被国际多媒体领域的顶级学术会议ACM MM'21(CCF A类)录取
实验室论文“AA-RMVSNet:Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network”被计算机视觉顶级会议ICCV 2021(CCF A类)录取
实验室论文“FixationNet: Forecasting Eye Fixations in Task-Oriented Virtual Environments”在刚刚结束的国际虚拟现实最高学术会议IEEE VR‘2021(CCF A类)中获得最佳TVCG期刊论文提名奖(TVCG - Best Journal - Nominees)
实验室论文“Self-Illusion: A Study on High-Level Cognition of Role-Playing in Immersive Virtual Environments from Non-Human Perspective”被虚拟现实与图形可视化的国际顶级期刊IEEE TVCG接收(CCF A类期刊)
实验室论文“CPPM: Chi-squared Progressive Photon Mapping”被国际图形学最高水平的系列学术会议Siggraph Asia'20录取,并将发表于期刊ACM transactions on Graphics (CCF A类会议,A类期刊)
实验室论文“Deep-Modal: Real-Time Impact Sound Synthesis for Arbitrary Shapes”被国际多媒体领域的顶级会议ACM MM'20接收(CCF A类)
实验室论文“Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows”被国际图形学著名综合会议Pacific Graphics'20接收 (CCF B类)
实验室论文Pyramid Multi-view Stereo Net with Self-adaptive View Aggregation被视觉领域国际顶级会议ECCV'20录取
实验室论文Dense Hybrid Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Net with Dynamic Consistency Checking被视觉领域国际顶级会议ECCV'20录取
实验室论文DGaze: CNN-Based Gaze Prediction in Dynamic Sceness收录于国际虚拟现实顶级学术会议IEEE VR'2020,并发表于IEEE TVCG期刊(CCF A类)
实验室论文SegVoxelNet: Exploring Semantic Context and Depth-Aware Features for 3D Vehicle Detection from Point Cloud发表于国际机器人与自动化顶级学术会议IEEE ICRA'2020.
实验室论文Shallow Sand Equations: Real-Time Height Field Simulation of Dry Granular Flows.被IEEE TVCG(CCF A类)接收发表
实验室论文SGaze: A Data-Driven Eye-Head Coordination Model for Realtime Gaze Prediction被国际虚拟现实顶级学术会议IEEE VR 2019收录,并发表于IEEE TVCG (CCF A)
实验室论文MMFace: A Multi-Metric Regression Network for Unconstrained Face Reconstruction发表于国际视觉与人工智能顶级学术会议CVPR 2019 (CCF A)
实验室论文AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms被国际机器人顶级学术期刊Science Robotics录用 (Science子刊)