Ren Yi

Campus Address

Room 1321N, Science Biulding No. 1,

Peking University, Yiheyuan Road 5th


+86 15810127860

E-mail (Office) (Personal)

Short Bio:

Now I am a master student in Graphics and Interaction Technology Lab of EECS at Peking University. I work with my advisor, Prof. Wang Heng, and Prof. Li Sheng. I got my B. Eng. Degree of Computer Science from the Institute of Information Science & Technology, Northeastern University.


My Resume

Research Interest

My research focuses on physically based simulation & animation, which is one sub-field of Computer Graphics. Now what I do things on fluid simulation and I also attended in a deformation project. Besides, I really want to try something in robotics or more fundamental.


Ning Liu, Xiaowei He, Yi Ren, Sheng Li, and Guoping Wang. 2012. Physical material editing with structure embedding for animated solid. In Proceedings of the 2012 Graphics Interface Conference (GI '12). Canadian Information Processing Society, Toronto, Ont., Canada, Canada, 193-200.

Paper    Video



l  My name in Chinese is written as

l  The pronunciation of my name in Chinese is similar to [`ʒen `i:]